Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Reason #8....

 If you are here to report on KINDNESS, please click on the Kindness page...
Reason #8, of 11, why people aren't responding to your Facebook posts....

8. Your Page has an identity crisis

Before your organization steps foot onto Facebook,
it can pay off to design an editorial calendar. 
(Now, I suggest this......)
This can give you a sense of what you’ll be posting on Facebook regularly.
But don’t get stuck on an editorial calendar, either. That risks putting your Page in a bobbing bubble of boring.
 Give yourself some flexibility to engage about current events in your business and in the industry at large.
(Really, weather can be pretty boring, but the below is not..)
Give your opinion when you’re sharing these things: that gives your Page a personality, and that personality (and your expertise!) is what fans will want to see.
 So, what can you say and how can you say it that will make me enjoy your widget...and make me want to know more about your widget, or your cause???

Where ever your footsteps take you,
go with great joy
and great kindness to one another!!!