Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Reason #10

 If you are here to make a report on KINDNESS, kindly click on the Kindness page...
Reason #10 of 11, why folks are not responding to your Facebook posts....

10. You’re giving up too fast

Prepare for more than a few awkward dinner room silences.
 Building up an audience on Facebook takes time and
 engaging them can take even longer.
Your goal should be to establish a personality and establish what,
 people will find when they come to your Page. 
The rest should follow naturally.

Nonprofit FairyDogParents recently ran a survey to find out what fans wanted on the Facebook Page.
You could have a survey on your page
 and ask folks what they would like to know more about.
Where ever your footsteps take you,
go with great joy
and great kindness to one another!!!