Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ding!! Ding!!! It's REason #11!!!!!

 If you are here to report on KINDNESS, kindly click on the Kindness page....
Yes, this is it.  Together we have made it to reason #11 Folks are not responding to your Facebook posts.
(By the way, I've been out of town for a bit and all the posts and blogs have been prescheduled....wonder if they worked....:})

11. You’re forgetting the most important thing…

I’ll let you in on a little secret – I personally have a very high standard for outright “liking” a post. So do 99.5% of fans of the top 200 brands on Facebook.
That’s right. A study found that just 0.5% of fans of these 200 brands were actively engaging the Page on a given week.
Don’t forget that people come to Facebook to connect with their friends and family first. Everything else is secondary.
There are a lot of lurkers out there – just because no one is responding doesn’t mean no one is reading!
Thanks for taking this ride with me. 
 I learned a ton of information on how I can make better Facebook posts. 
 Have you learned a lot?
 Well, this blog continues.  If you have marketing ideas or subjects you would like to know more about.....just leave me a note!!!  
It is all about social engagement, you know!

Where ever your footsteps take you,
go with great joy
and great kindness to one another!!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Is this your story too?

Is this your story too???
 About this time 14 years ago Del and I visited Gig Harbor.  We had been looking for a place to move, from where we were living close to Pasadena in Southern California.  We walked down Harborview Dr falling in love with the harbor and it's view, sat on the deck at Tides Tavern, took in the beauty of the surroundings and said, "let's move to Gig Harbor!" 
  I imagine this is the story of a lot of folks who came to Gig Harbor for a visit.

We wanted to live in the harbor area, in downtown.  It was December of 1999 when we moved into our little house and set up a home and, as we were artists, set up our studio.  Here we have lived and worked and fallen more in love with Gig Harbor as the years have gone by.  Met lots of new friends.
  Our business prospered and when the economic slow down came, we found we could also slow down and it became time for us to give back.  Give back to the world in celebration of our new home, our good health and loving people we met in Gig Harbor.
  Del and I both became involved in volunteer activities.  I am so grateful to meet wonderful patients and staff when volunteering at Multicare Oncology.  As an artist, I have been so lucky to meet other wonderful Gig Harbor artists.  As one of our Arts Commissioners, and a volunteer for the Gig Harbor Film festival, I am fortunate to meet artistic people, and great volunteers  all the time.  We have a little project called Feel Good Free Art.  The purpose was to place little pieces of free art in local businesses and public locations where you might find them, be happy to be in Gig Harbor and visit again and again to that store or park.  
  What I have really found is that everyone you meet pretty much loves Gig Harbor and everyone, including you, give back to this community.  It is an honor to know some of you and see how much you care for our town and the people who live here.  Gig Harbor has lots and lots of unsung heros.
  There is one common thread for all of us. 
 When we need to think,
 looking for inspiration,
 want to spend time with friends
 or just enjoy nature..
.we all head down to this gorgeous waterfront, our harbor.
  Can you just imagine what the first settlers to Gig Harbor must have thought when they sailed into this beautiful spot of nature....the most beautiful place on earth.  To be able to look out at the water and shore and boats. You know, it doesn't get any better.
  We all love this waterview of our harbor. 
 But this view of the water and the boats and the shore is endangered. 

 Our harbor cannot talk but if it could, perhaps it would say;
 "Hey remember me? 
 You who come to me to enjoy my shoreline,
 you who come to me to enjoy nature,
 you who come to me for inspiration,
 you who come to me for outdoor adventure,
 you would come to me for the view...
.I cannot speak for myself. I need you to protect me for generations to come.
 I am in trouble and need you to speak for me." 

Monday evening, July 22, 5:30pm, in the Council Chambers in the Gig Harbor Civic Center, there is going to be a vote taken on whether to preserve your waterview of our harbor as you walk along Harborview Dr. 
 It is very simple.  
This new zoing change would mean that buildings along our waterfront could change to be 27 feet high, flat roof, 2 story buildings.  Changing from a pitched roof to a flat roof design means more square footage, more advantageous to build and this means your view of the waterfront will begin to be covered with buildings
 This first zoning concerns Harborview from about Rosedale to the Green Turtle. 
 The city has said that in 6 - 9 months it will look at zone changing for Finholm.  
There are plans in the city's planning department for Dorotich and Harborview.  
This vote on Monday evening could set a precendent for new 2 story, flat roof buildings on the waterside of Harborview. 
 Once a precedent has been set, it won't take long before those buildings cover the water view from Soundview to Peacock Hill.
Currently, the waterside of Harboview Drive is zoned differently from the uphill side of Harboview Driver.  
We all need to stand up for no new zoning rules for Harborview Dr. waterside.
Really, the remaining view of the harbor  needs to be protected for your kids and their kids and generations to come.
 Don't let anyone say this change is trivial. 
 To zone for covering up the view of our water is an insult to it's natural beauty. 
 If it is so trivial, why the big surge to push it through.  If no one has asked for it, why do it?
Do we want to model to our kids that buildings are more important than they natural beauty of our harbor?
Are you getting a little angry and don't want to take it any more?  Your caring and passion for this harbor is needed, and this is the last chance.
  You are needed to fill a seat at the Council meeting, 
July 22, 5:30, Council Chambers, Gig Harbor Civic Center
This is the exact case where one person, you, can make a real difference for either keeping the waterview or covering it up with buildings. 

Please feel free to share this link with your email list. Our harbor will thank you!
Perhaps you would like to send an email to our Mayor and Council members:
Chuck Hunter, Mayor
Tim Payne
Michael Perrow
Steve Ekberg 
Paul Kadzik
Where ever your footsteps take you,
go with great joy
and great kindness to one another!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Reason #10

 If you are here to make a report on KINDNESS, kindly click on the Kindness page...
Reason #10 of 11, why folks are not responding to your Facebook posts....

10. You’re giving up too fast

Prepare for more than a few awkward dinner room silences.
 Building up an audience on Facebook takes time and
 engaging them can take even longer.
Your goal should be to establish a personality and establish what,
 people will find when they come to your Page. 
The rest should follow naturally.

Nonprofit FairyDogParents recently ran a survey to find out what fans wanted on the Facebook Page.
You could have a survey on your page
 and ask folks what they would like to know more about.
Where ever your footsteps take you,
go with great joy
and great kindness to one another!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Reason #9....

 If you are here to make a report on Kindness, please click on the Kindness page...
Reason # 9, of 11, why folks are not responding to your Facebook post...

9. You’re not offering anything

Some businesses choose to use third-party apps like Social Campaigns to create contests that mandate fan participation as part of the entry:
 You can put together your own contest.......
Facebook says you need to use a 3rd party to run your contest...that seems to be important if you want to keep your page...and you do.
For every new "like" 
perhaps a art card from an artist,
 how about for every like people can be entered in a drawing to win.....
one of those famous widgets,
or tickets to something
  So, likes in the bucket and draw out of the bucket for the winner.
  Heck I would like you!!!  Of course, I already do...

Where ever your footsteps take you,
go with great joy
and great kindness to one another!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Reason #8....

 If you are here to report on KINDNESS, please click on the Kindness page...
Reason #8, of 11, why people aren't responding to your Facebook posts....

8. Your Page has an identity crisis

Before your organization steps foot onto Facebook,
it can pay off to design an editorial calendar. 
(Now, I suggest this......)
This can give you a sense of what you’ll be posting on Facebook regularly.
But don’t get stuck on an editorial calendar, either. That risks putting your Page in a bobbing bubble of boring.
 Give yourself some flexibility to engage about current events in your business and in the industry at large.
(Really, weather can be pretty boring, but the below is not..)
Give your opinion when you’re sharing these things: that gives your Page a personality, and that personality (and your expertise!) is what fans will want to see.
 So, what can you say and how can you say it that will make me enjoy your widget...and make me want to know more about your widget, or your cause???

Where ever your footsteps take you,
go with great joy
and great kindness to one another!!!