Thursday, May 16, 2013

Are you feeling Unliked?...

  If you are here to make a report on Kindness, kindly click on that page...

 Reason #2 for feeling "unliked" on Facebook... 

2. The tone of the post is uninspiring

Remember, Facebook isn’t necessarily a business environment. 
You want to keep things conversational and inspiring.
That doesn’t mean you need to throw eight exclamation points at the end of every post, just be positive and try not to sound like a robot......or put in tooo much color...:-)
The best part is that, 
if you do hit the right tone,
 you can post about almost anything:

 How about....
Instead of you raised $20,000 for cancer research
Tell a story of what exactly the $20,000 it a research assistant for 3 months..?  Tell a story that people can relate to....
If someone purchases a landscape, give them a story about where it was painted and what was happening....
If you are selling a widget, what has that widget done for another customer? 

(What do you suppose reason #3 will be???) 
Where ever your footsteps take you,
go with great joy
and great kindness to one another!!!