Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tis the Season!!

Began to look at lot like Christmas about a week ago, didn't it?
So, now it is even starting to feel like this very special season of the year.
This Sat. Dec. 4 is 1st Sat. Artwalk. Extra special FeelGoodFreeArt on that day...better make a stop by the Christmas Tree!!! Which,of course gets 'lit' about 5pm on Saturday. Stop by for hot chocolate, cider and cookies....then Santa arrives at 5:30!
This Saturday/Sunday is also TideFest at Gig Harbor High.
You don't have to wait till the weekend to find your little piece of FREE art.
Are you going to keep it?
Are you going to give it away as a Holiday Present?
Better find it fast.....

So, we are all having fun at...For Art Sake! Then, what do I spy, or perhaps you spy, somewhere on one of the shelves...over there, no the other way...there...there.... It is a wonderful piece of original art by Ty Cline. Ty is a great artist and when you need a special little pop of design and color, Ty is your go to man! By the way, where you gonna be on boat parade night, December 11? Rebecca is having a party...the place to be and watch the boats....For Art Sake 4- 8 pm; music, a little munchey....MAYBE a little FREE there...!

While at For Art Sake, choose from over 100 of their special artist created, ornaments. 100% Gross sales go towards benefiting Washington State Foster children. A little something for you...a little something for those in need.
"Santa is jolly because he knows where all the bad girls live!" Ok! It's the Holiday Season and we need to remember to take ourselves lightly. We also need to take ourselves with beautiful kitchen, dinning accessories.....Hum. It is in UPTOWN....Oh, let me think. Where is the one place in UPTOWN you can find beautiful items for your kitchen and dinning areas.

Welcome to Darlene Dihel, a new participating artist.
Darlene is a Sumi artist, read all about her below and find her at TideFest this weekend in Gig Harbor.
If you are really fast you might just find this original Sumi painting by Darlene at Suzanne's Bakery. While at Suzanne's you must try any of her homemade items..Do have a little snack!!

Just everybody loves Rebecca's winter wonder series, at least that is what I have named them!
These original pieces all remind me of the Great Pacific Northwest with the snowy, iceyness of fall leaves. Easy to feel the winter in this one. Better be quick!!!! Oops! Where, you ask?
Who is having a special on crab leg dinners? Quickly, find great art there! Just down the street from For Art Sake!

Ok. We know you are going to be at For Ark Sake on Dec. 11th for the boat parade...but what are you going to wear? Where are you going to find that perfect gift?
When is the last time you were in McBecklands Ladies Boutique on Harborview? Now is the time to stop in for a holiday ensemble or a great vest or a perfect purse or ......take your pick. Just be sure and stop in!
Now this is a very special art card by Kathy Thurston. You are going to need to be quick on this one and if you miss it there, just walk around the corner to Ebb Tide Gallery to find more of Kathy's wonderful cards. They also make a great gift. Who...Who...Who...will you give this card to...get it "Who" the sound an owl makes!!!
Artists of the Week

Here is Nan Feagin. Nan is a member of the Peninsula Art League and is currently showing her pastels, thru this week, at Kimball Espresso Gallery. If you are not familiar with pastel paintings then stop by and immerse yourself in Nan's art. "My work is strongly influenced by my views and feeling about the natural world. The places where sky and earth meet. I find the directness and flexibility of pastels a perfect medium to catch the atmosphere." Contact Nan at 253-549-2358.
As you enjoy this beautiful piece, you can just feel the cool spray of the surf...easy to get lost in. Easy to enjoy with a cup of Latte from Espresso Gallery.

A Big welcome to Darlene as a new Participating Artist with this blog. If you find one of her pieces of art, you will be lucky in more ways than one.
Meet Darlene Dihel, Sumi Artist. You may recognize Darlene as she participates in several Art Shows in Gig Harbor and teaches Sumi in the area.
Look for her this Sat and Sun. at Tide Fest, located at Gig Harbor High.

SUMI-E is a form of ancient Asian Art. SUMI means black ink stick and E represents the word "picture"
The philosophy of sumi is characteristic of the spirit of ZEN, where nothing is wasted and the world is expressed in a language reduced to the most essential limits.

Whether she is painting landscapes, flowers or even crabs, each stoke of her brush has a purpose and beautiful meaning. Which is your favorite?