Monday, January 7, 2013

Meet Painter Diem

Dateline:  January 7, 2013.   amsterdam

And so begins the tale of meeting our first artist on the Adventures of Free Art On The Road To Way Of Amsterdam!

Del and I started out about 10 am, not knowing what to expect on our search for a local Amsterdam Artist.
We headed to the canal boats after someone had given us an idea of in what part of town we might begin our search.
Arriving and at our destination and beginning to walk the streets we noticed lots of closed signs...oops it is Monday, we realized.  Walked a litter further, finding a light and open door. So, Art and a wonderful man directed us in the direction of Painter Diem's studio.  "He'll probably talk to you if he is in a good mood".  With that encouraging referral, off we go.  Arriving at Painter Diem's, the door is locked, but the sign says open and please to ring all the bells and so we do.  Running down the stairs he comes, tossed dark hair, bathrobe flying in the breeze...and no pants.  
Painter Diem is unable to unlock the door and motions for us to return in about 10 minutes.  We spend our waiting minutes in a local cafe, meet a lovely local by the name of Kitty, who seemed to be well acquainted with our Painter Diem.
Oops, our 10 minutes has flown by and we return to Painter Diem's gallery/museum/home/studio/atelier/.  He owns three of the oldest buildings in Amsterdam, from the 16th century.  He is a wonderful artist with an interesting artist personality and turns out to be quite famous.
He calls people to come in a visit with us, we take some good video...will need quite a bit of editing.  A shame we are here for only one day as he would make a great subject on his own.  Yvonne, whom he introduces us to believes she has another artist for us in Lisbon and we may see her again on Tuesday.
Lest I digress, Painter Diem wanted to paint Del.  After several hours with him, we bid him goodby as we handed him a piece of Free art in our appreciation.
  Can't imagine meeting a more enlightening, interesting artist and think you might enjoy him as well...we'll let you know when the video is completed.
  Check out his web site
  While posting to Facebook is still a bit of a challenge...give us a like to follow our adventures!!!!
  Everyone out gentle to one another!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Now, it begins.....

Happy 2013 Everyone!!!
May it be a peaceful and joyful and healthy and prosperous one for you...
with just a bit of adventure!!!
Feel Good Free Art Project
is hitting the road....
The gauntlet has been thrown,
Free ART has accepted the challenge.
The Video equipment is purchased, the mountains of paperwork, the pills and shots, the house sitters are packed and ready to move in, 
FREE ART pieces are ready to go!
Gig Harbor mementos are ready to go!
We have a plan.....
In each town we visit, we will take local transportation to meet with local artists and exchange art, and GH mementos, with those artists we meet along the way.
The Challenge.....
To make it back to our transportation before it sails away... without us,
 leaving us standing alone on the pier!
I am a tiny bit concerned about filming in India 
and hope we do not end up in jail!
Feel Good Free Art....on facebook....
(don't look for us at this page for the trip)
Click on LIKE and follow along with us on
The Adventures of FREE art on the road to Asia...
by way of Amsterdam!!!

It is going to be fun.....and who knows what else, so come along..


Where ever your footsteps take you,
go with great joy
and great kindness to one another!!!